Ongoing Projects
Same Language Subtitling on National Television:

Action Plan and Activities Timeline:

A 30 minute Hindi film song episode, as proposed, will have roughly five songs. Production is straightforward because songs already exist with film producers and only the royalties need to be negotiated.

Time Line: Month(s)

  • 1-2: Time slot on national television negotiated with Doordarshan India (DDI)
    In-house subtitling and editing studio established; institutionalisation of program initiated
    Production of episodes
    1-4 completed (with anchoring, subtitling, 2 questions on program)
    Baseline literacy skill survey completed
    Marketing of program initiated
    Publicity posters sent to District Literacy Missions and Education Offices
    Production of ad for program completed and aired on Chitrahar
  • 3: First four episodes televised (weekly one episode)
    Poster of song lyrics sent to all sending correct responses to questions asked on episodes 1-2
    Prizes given to winners of the competition on episodes 1-2 (by lottery from correct responses)
    Production of episodes 5-8 completed
    Coding and data entry of all post-cards initiated, including entry of addresses
    Marketing of program continues
    Strengthening of institutional capacity continues
    Lobbying with media and education policy-makers, film, music, and television industries
  • 4-11: Regular monthly activities continue (as in month 3); 17th episode onward funded by revenue generated
  • 12: Nine months after first telecast of program, literacy skill survey conducted on same baseline sample
    Program institutionalized and project made financially sustainable
    Regular monthly activities continue (as in month 3)

From here onward, project will run from revolving funds and profits, generated from commercials.
Beyond: Final report writing and submission
Regular monthly activities continue (as in month 3, with improvements/refinements, as necessary)
Profits invested in institutional strengthening, further R&D, implementation in other states/languages

Continued on Pg4aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPrevious Page

Same Language Subtitling on Television

Pg 1,

Pg 2,

Pg 3,

Pg 4